Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter. This blog supports [insert current topical issue here]. On June 2 nd 2020, like anyone else who happened to open any form of social media, I was met with a sea of black squares. Much to my confusion, I quickly became aware that a modernistic, peaceful protest had erupted across popular sites such as Facebook and Instagram. #BlackOutTuesday had begun. And this got me thinking. For as long as I can remember, I have always felt somewhat uneasy about large-scale mass showings of support for popular social movements that seem to come and go as the months pass by. There is always a feint feeling of falseness that taints them all, which I slowly grew wary of. Every year when June rolls around, and I look forwards to seeing anyone affiliated with the LGBTQ+ community parading their freedom to be who they truly are, matched with a celebration of how far society has come in finally accepting the fact that love is love. Again however, something never quite feels ...