
Showing posts from June, 2020

Here at Ideas, Not Identity, I am a writer who believes that unfortunately, ideas are no longer separate from the individual saying them. This leaves many people fearful of raising questions or even mentioning topics deemed controversial.

I firmly believe that a writer or speaker should be judged based on the points they raise, and not on who they are as a person.

I have therefore set up this page to discuss topics that many feel too afraid to talk about. I hope by reading and responding to me, barriers can be broken down, discussions can begin, and progress can be made towards removing the taboo certain modern day issues possess.

Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter. This blog supports [insert current topical issue here]. On June 2 nd 2020, like anyone else who happened to open any form of social media, I was met with a sea of black squares. Much to my confusion, I quickly became aware that a modernistic, peaceful protest had erupted across popular sites such as Facebook and Instagram. #BlackOutTuesday had begun. And this got me thinking. For as long as I can remember, I have always felt somewhat uneasy about large-scale mass showings of support for popular social movements that seem to come and go as the months pass by. There is always a feint feeling of falseness that taints them all, which I slowly grew wary of. Every year when June rolls around, and I look forwards to seeing anyone affiliated with the LGBTQ+ community parading their freedom to be who they truly are, matched with a celebration of how far society has come in finally accepting the fact that love is love. Again however, something never quite feels ...