It’s A Sin to Support Russel T Davies: Nobody Wants Equality Anymore
It’s A Sin to Support Russel T Davies Nobody Wants Equality Anymore. On Channel 4, there is currently a TV series called It’s A Sin . It follows the homosexual scene during the 80s, amidst the HIV pandemic. This was a time when AIDS was a scary, taboo topic, as well as a silent, hidden killer targeting a minority. I have not yet watched It’s A Sin , and after hearing the latest comments from its creator Russel T Davies, I doubt I will. Davies has been in the news a lot recently. His latest comments however, have gained a lot of attention for the wrong reasons. Davies’ plan from the beginning for his show was to cast gay as gay . What this means is that the roles for gay characters were only to be played by gay actors. A specific sexuality therefore became a requirement for employment. He believes this should always be the case, and has defended his comments publicly. I firmly disagree with Davies, for a number of reasons, and...