
Showing posts from September, 2020

Here at Ideas, Not Identity, I am a writer who believes that unfortunately, ideas are no longer separate from the individual saying them. This leaves many people fearful of raising questions or even mentioning topics deemed controversial.

I firmly believe that a writer or speaker should be judged based on the points they raise, and not on who they are as a person.

I have therefore set up this page to discuss topics that many feel too afraid to talk about. I hope by reading and responding to me, barriers can be broken down, discussions can begin, and progress can be made towards removing the taboo certain modern day issues possess.

Religion during coronavirus: It is time we came to our senses.

Religion During Coronavirus. It is time we came to our senses. My views on religion are well known to those who know me and who also read my work. I often flitter between agnostic, atheist and anti-theist. I believe that everyone is agnostic whether they like it or not; nobody has proof of any gods, yet nobody can disprove them either (although it isn’t our job to do so). However, I do strongly believe that they do not exist, in which I usually take my seat in the atheistic group. Recently though, my anti-theist thoughts and feelings have been growing, a few of which I thought I would share with you. During the weird and wonderful times of the Coronavirus pandemic, I saw a power shift between the scientific community paired with government officials, and religion as a whole. Witnessing such a change sparked a great interest in me. With Easter essentially cancelled, places of worship closed to members of their congregations, and the elderly forced to listen to their priest and paris...

Cancel Culture: Is this post prison-worthy?

Cancel Culture. Scotland's Attempt at Banning my Blog.   I am glad that Christopher Hitchens is dead. Not because I think of him as a foul-mouthed, blasphemous, egotistic character whose infamous written attacks and venomous Hitch-slaps brought fear to anyone remotely against his views. That’s probably why I love him. No, I am glad he is no longer around to live in our society because I know he would have met his match in 2020. Not through debate or discussion or a diligent exchange of conflicting views, but by the life-sucking pit of endless doom, that arrives at the door of many unsuspecting authors, editors and influencers alike, branding its rainbow-patterned scythe and slightly-different-but-still-equally-as-important rainbow-patterned cloak, bellowing out that their time has come. Hitchens would have been, like countless other individuals who express any view that is anti anything of which the world is evermore pro , succumbed to Cancel Culture . Let me take a few step...