
Showing posts from May, 2020

Here at Ideas, Not Identity, I am a writer who believes that unfortunately, ideas are no longer separate from the individual saying them. This leaves many people fearful of raising questions or even mentioning topics deemed controversial.

I firmly believe that a writer or speaker should be judged based on the points they raise, and not on who they are as a person.

I have therefore set up this page to discuss topics that many feel too afraid to talk about. I hope by reading and responding to me, barriers can be broken down, discussions can begin, and progress can be made towards removing the taboo certain modern day issues possess.

Genital Mutilation.

Genital Mutilation. Right, buckle in. I shall start with some good, actually great news, from the continent of controversy that is Africa. On May 1 st 2020, Sudan took a huge step away from their usual barbarism, and have finally made female genital mutilation, or FGM, a crime. At last, some sense was found and those in power have begun to realise that the forced removal of the labia minora and majora, clitoris, and final sewing up of a child’s vagina, is perhaps not something they should be advocating (the fact that it only warrants three years in prison and a fine is still utterly ridiculous, but small steps…). How this is even a practise, that occurs in twenty-seven countries in Africa, Asia and the middle east, is truly incomprehensible to me. And if this is not the case with you, reader, then take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror, and throw yourself into it, please. The topic for this essay however is not the recent successes of female rights activists...